COVID-19 Archive 2020-2021

This page contains archived information from the 2020-2021 school year regarding COVID-19 planning and updates. Current COVID-19 information and updates are available on the LISD COVID-19 Preparedness page.

LISD COVID-19 Dashboard (Archived)

Notification Date Number of Confirmed or Probable Cases Building(s) / Location(s) Impacted Quarantine
Action Taken
05/26/2021 1 student Local District Special Education (Madison) No school-associated close contacts
05/10/2021 1 staff member Transportation N/A
05/06/2021 1 student LISD TECH Center No school-associated close contacts
05/05/2021 1 student LISD TECH Center 1 staff member, 9 additional students to quarantine through close contact
05/03/2021 1 student LISD TECH Center 1 additional student to quarantine through close contact
04/29/2021 1 student LISD PREP Academy 4 staff members, 6 additional students to quarantine through close contact
04/28/2021 3 students LISD TECH Center 2 staff members, 18 additional students to quarantine through close contact
04/27/2021 1 student LISD TECH Center 8 additional students to quarantine through close contact
04/26/2021 2 students LISD TECH Center 2 staff members, 31 additional students to quarantine through close contact
04/22/2021 1 student LISD TECH Center 1 staff member, 8 additional students to quarantine through close contact
04/20/2021 1 student LISD TECH Center 11 students quarantined through close contact
04/19/2021 2 students LISD TECH Center None; no school-associated close contacts
04/18/2021 1 staff ESC Building None; no school-associated close contacts
04/18/2021 3 students, 4 staff Porter Education Center Approximately 30 students and staff members to quarantine through close contact; two impacted programs will shift to distance learning through 04/30/2021
04/15/2021 1 student LISD TECH Center None; individual was already in quarantine
04/14/2021 1 student LISD TECH Center None; individual was already in quarantine
04/13/2021 8 students LISD TECH Center The LISD was notified of these positive cases from spring break, so no additional contact tracing is necessary
04/04/2021 2 students LISD TECH Center  
03/29/2021 2 student LISD TECH Center 2 staff members, 10 additional students quarantined through close contact
03/26/2021 1 student LISD TECH Center 1 staff member, 12 additional students quarantined through close contact
03/22/2021 2 students LISD TECH Center 5 additional students quarantined through close contact
03/19/2021 1 student LISD TECH Center 1 staff member, 13 additional students quarantined through close contact
03/16/2021 1 student LISD TECH Center 2 staff members, 10 additional students quarantined through close contact
03/08/2021 2 students LISD TECH Center 3 staff members, 21 additional students quarantined through close contact
03/01/2021 1 student LISD PREP Academy, LISD TECH Center None; no school-associated close contacts
02/26/2021 1 student LISD TECH Center 1 staff member, 13 additional students quarantined through close contact; classroom shifting to distance learning through 03/05/2021
02/25/2021 2 students LISD TECH Center 3 staff members, 32 additional students quarantined through close contact
02/23/2021 1 student LISD TECH Center, JC/LISD Academy None; no school-associated close contacts
02/17/2021 1 student LISD TECH Center None; no school-associated close contacts
02/12/2021 1 student LISD TECH Center None; no school-associated close contacts
02/09/2021 1 staff member Porter Education Center None; no school-associated close contacts
02/08/2021 1 student LISD TECH Center 1 staff member, 13 additional students quarantined through close contact
02/05/2021 1 student Project SEARCH 3 staff members, 5 additional students quarantined through close contact
02/03/2021 1 student LISD TECH Center None; individual was already in quarantine
02/02/2021 2 staff members Transportation 6 students, 4 additional staff members quarantined through close contact
02/01/2021 5 staff members Transportation Full 02/01/2021 Update
02/01/2021 1 student LISD TECH Center, JC/LISD Academy 3 staff members, 19 additional students quarantined through close contact
01/31/2021 1 staff member Transportation 10 students, 1 additional staff member quarantined through close contact
01/29/2021 1 staff member Porter Education Center (Bldg 3) 9 students, 4 additional staff members quarantined; program will go virtual through 02/12/2021
01/29/2021 1 student LISD TECH Center None; individual was already in quarantine
01/27/2021 1 staff member Transportation 2 students quarantined through close contact
01/27/2021 1 student Porter Education Center 2 staff members, 4 additional students quarantined through close contact
01/27/2021 1 staff member Porter Education Center None; no school-associated close contacts
01/27/2021 1 staff member Local District Special Education (Tecumseh) 6 students, 3 additional staff members quarantined through close contact
01/26/2021 2 students LISD TECH Center None; no school-associated close contacts
01/25/2021 1 staff member Porter Education Center None; no school-associated close contacts
01/25/2021 4 students LISD TECH Center None; no school-associated close contacts
01/23/2021 1 staff member LISD TECH Center 1 additional staff member quarantined through close contact
01/22/2021 1 staff member Porter Education Center None; no school-associated close contacts
01/20/2021 1 staff member Trenton Hills Learning Center 16 students, 3 additional staff members quarantined through close contact
01/18/2021 2 students LISD TECH Center Close contacts will quarantine; LISD TECH Center to go virtual through 01/22/2021
01/17/2021 1 staff member LISD TECH Center None; individual was already in quarantine
01/14/2021 1 student LISD TECH Center None; no school-associated close contacts
01/14/2021 1 staff member ESC Building None; no school-associated close contacts
01/14/2021 1 student LISD TECH Center 1 staff member, 9 additional students quarantined through close contact
01/11/2021 1 student LISD TECH Center None; no school-associated close contacts
01/08/2021 1 student LISD TECH Center 30 additional students quarantined; classroom shut down until 1/19/2021
01/05/2021 1 student LISD TECH Center (AM session) 10 additional students quarantined through close contact (including at local district)
01/04/2021 1 staff member Local District Special Education (Tecumseh) None; no school-associated close contacts
01/04/2021 1 staff member Local District Special Education (Addison) None; no school-associated close contacts
12/31/2020 4 staff members ESC Building Building will be closed through 1/8/2021
12/31/2020 1 staff member Trenton Hills Learning Center None; no school-associated close contacts
12/31/2020 2 students Maurice Spear Campus All instructional staff and students will be quarantined through 1/7/21
12/21/2020 1 staff member Special Education (HOPE Center) None; no school-associated close contacts
12/16/2020 1 staff member LISD TECH Center None; no school-associated close contacts
12/10/2020 1 staff member Local District Special Education (Hudson) None; no school-associated close contacts
12/09/2020 1 staff member Porter / Trenton Hills 4 students, 1 staff member quarantined through close contact
12/08/2020 1 staff member ESC Building None; no school-associated close contacts
12/03/2020 1 staff member Trenton Hills Learning Center None; no school-associated close contacts
12/02/2020 1 staff member LISD TECH Center None; no school-associated close contacts
12/02/2020 1 staff member Porter / Blissfield None; no school-associated close contacts
11/30/2020 1 staff member Porter / Adrian None; no school-associated close contacts
11/24/2020 1 staff member Local District LISD Classroom (Onsted) None; no school-associated close contacts
11/24/2020 1 staff member LISD TECH Center None; individual was already in quarantine
11/20/2020 1 staff member Local District Special Education (Blissfield) None; individual was already in quarantine
11/20/2020 1 staff member Porter Education Center None; no school-associated close contacts
11/18/2020 1 student LISD TECH Center (morning session) None; no school-associated close contacts
11/17/2020 1 staff member LISD TECH Center 1 student, 2 staff members quarantined through close contact
11/16/2020 2 staff members Trenton Hills Learning Center 17 students, 2 staff members quarantined through close contact
11/16/2020 1 student Porter Education Center 8 students, 4 staff quarantined through close contact
11/16/2020 1 staff member LISD TECH Center 13 students, 1 staff member quarantined; current quarantine extended for 9 students
11/16/2020 1 student LISD TECH Center (morning session) 6 students quarantined through close contact
11/12/2020 1 student Local District LISD Classroom (Tecumseh) None; no school-associated close contacts
11/11/2020 3 students, 1 staff member LISD TECH Center 59 individuals quarantined; distance learning 11/12-11/20. Full 11/11 Update
11/06/2020 1 student
(afternoon session)
8 students, 2 staff members quarantined; distance learning through 11/16/2020
11/06/2020 1 student LISD TECH Center
(morning session)
None; no school-associated close contacts
10/30/2020 1 student LISD TECH Center (morning session) 1 student quarantined through close contact
10/28/2020 1 student LISD TECH Center (morning session) 2 students quarantined through close contact
10/26/2020 1 student LISD TECH Center (morning session) 6 students quarantined through close contact at home district
10/25/2020 1 staff member Porter Education Center 2 staff members quarantined
10/21/2020 1 student LISD TECH Center None; individual was already in quarantine
10/16/2020 1 student Local District LISD Classroom (Madison) None; no school-associated close contacts
10/16/2020 1 staff member Transportation None; individual was already in quarantine
10/15/2020 1 student LISD TECH Center (Adult Learning) Classroom shifted to distance learning for 14 days
10/10/2020 1 staff member LISD TECH Center None; individual was already in quarantine
10/10/2020 1 student LISD TECH Center None; no school-associated close contacts
10/10/2020 1 staff member Porter Education Center 2 classrooms shifted to distance learning for 14 days
10/05/2020 1 student Local District LISD Classroom (Adrian) None; individual was already in quarantine
10/02/2020 1 student Maurice Spear Campus None; no school-associated close contacts
09/26/2020 1 staff member Transportation 1 staff member quarantined
09/11/2020 1 student LISD TECH Center (Adult Learning) Classroom shifted to distance learning for 14 days

Including the cases described above, during the 2020-2021 school year, the LISD was informed by the Health Department of 137 confirmed and/or probable school-associated cases of COVID-19 amongst students, teachers, staff members, volunteers, or any other person who was present on school property.

Effective Tuesday, June 22, 2021, the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (“MDHHS”) has rescinded its emergency orders related to gatherings and face masks. MiOSHA also posted updated emergency rules today that replaced those from May 24, 2021. As a result of these actions, the Lenawee Intermediate School District (LISD) will no longer require any individual to wear a face mask while on LISD property or within an LISD vehicle regardless of vaccination status beginning on Tuesday, June 22, 2021. 

The MDHHS has indicated that additional guidance will be forthcoming for schools this week. In the event that the guidance results in any changes to the LISD’s face mask requirements, updated information will be communicated.

Although such is no longer required by the LISD, the United States Centers for Disease Control, MDHHS, and the Lenawee County Health Department continue to recommend that individuals who are not fully vaccinated against COVID-19 wear a face mask while indoors.

Beginning today, June 17, 2021, the following face mask requirements will be applicable to all Lenawee Intermediate School District (LISD) facilities and programs.

Fully Vaccinated Persons

LISD employees, students, contractors, and visitors that are fully vaccinated against COVID-19 (meaning that at least two weeks have passed since the individual’s second vaccine if having received the Pfizer or Moderna vaccine or since the individual’s single vaccine if having received the Johnson and Johnson vaccine) are no longer required to wear a face mask while present on LISD property or in LISD vehicles. Employees and students participating in an off-site LISD program must comply with the face mask requirements of the host facility.

Signs will be posted at the primary entries to each building stating that individuals who are not fully vaccinated against COVID-19 must continue to wear a face mask.

LISD employees and contractors who are fully vaccinated against COVID-19 and do not wish to wear a face mask must provide proof of vaccination by providing a copy of your CDC COVID-19 Vaccination Record Card to the LISD at your earliest possible convenience. This can be done by scanning your card and uploading such to a secure Google form maintained by the District. LISD employees who have already submitted proof of vaccination to Staff Resources through the personal day incentive program are not required to resubmit any information.

LISD schools/educational programs should develop a process to receive and collect student CDC COVID-19 Vaccination Record Cards. Proof of vaccination status should be collected by the school/educational program office and maintained in a similar fashion to other student education records. Only those students who provide proof that they have been fully vaccinated (meaning that at least two weeks have passed since the individual’s second vaccine if having received the Pfizer or Moderna vaccine or since the individual’s single vaccine if having received the Johnson and Johnson vaccine) should be allowed inside without a face mask.

Unvaccinated Persons

LISD employees, students, contractors, and visitors that are not fully vaccinated against COVID-19 (meaning that at least two weeks have passed since the individual’s second vaccine if having received the Pfizer or Moderna vaccine or since the individual’s single vaccine if having received the Johnson and Johnson vaccine) are required to wear a face mask while inside LISD facilities or in LISD vehicles (unless alone) in accordance with the Michigan Department of Health and Human Service (MDHHS) June 1, 2021 Order related to Gatherings and Face Masks.

Unvaccinated persons are not required to wear a face mask while outside, provided that the unvaccinated individual can consistently maintain at least six feet of separation between themselves and others.

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. I am vaccinated, but do not wish to provide proof of such to the LISD, do I have to wear a face mask?

    Response: Yes, although the provision of proof of vaccination status is voluntary, only those employees, contracted laborers (i.e. EDUStaff, Sunbelt, etc.) and students who provide proof of such to the LISD are allowed to be inside without a face mask at this time.
  2. I am vaccinated, but still do not comfortable without a face mask, is it OK if I continue to wear a mask?

    Response: Yes, anyone may voluntarily choose to wear a face mask.
  3. Are visitors to the LISD required to provide proof of vaccination status?

    Response: No, currently, individuals who are not employees, contracted laborers, or students do not need to provide proof of vaccination status to the LISD. Signs will be posted at the primary entrances to all buildings indicating that unvaccinated persons must continue to wear a face mask in accordance with the current Michigan Department of Health and Human Services Gatherings and Face Masks Order.
  4. I am not vaccinated against COVID-19, but do not want to wear a face mask, what will happen if I don’t wear one?

    Response: The current Michigan Department of Health and Human Services Gatherings and Face Masks Order (June 1) requires persons who are not fully vaccinated against COVID-19 to wear a face mask while indoors. The LISD has followed (and will continue to follow) all lawful orders surrounding the mitigation of COVID-19. Individuals who refuse to wear a face mask indoors despite not being fully vaccinated and having provided proof of such to the LISD may be subject to disciplinary action.
  5. I am aware of someone who is not fully vaccinated against COVID-19 who is not wearing a face mask while indoors, what should I do?

    Response: If you are certain that another individual is not fully vaccinated against COVID-19 and you observe that individual regularly not wearing a face mask, you may report such to your supervisor and/or the LISD Staff Resources Department.
  6. Are there any settings where face masks are still required despite vaccination status?

    Response: No, currently, individuals who are fully vaccinated against COVID-19 may function without a face mask anywhere on LISD property. This includes in classrooms and on school buses.
  7. The Governor said that after July 1st no one will have to wear a face mask regardless of vaccination status, will the rules change then?

    Response: The LISD will continue to monitor changes in legal authority related to the mitigation of COVID-19. This includes MDHHS orders as well as MiOSHA emergency rules. Any decisions will be reflective of the requirements of applicable rules and laws as well as consideration of public health recommendations and guidance.
  8. I am not vaccinated; do I have to wear a face mask outside?

    Response: No, currently, no person, regardless of vaccination status, is required to wear a face mask while outside.
  9. How can I be assured that my vaccination status will be kept confidential?

    Response: Proof of vaccination will be treated by the LISD as a confidential employee record or student education record. Vaccination status will only be shared with individuals who have a legitimate right and need to know. Unfortunately, others may assume they can identify someone’s vaccination status by whether or not they are wearing a face mask and comments may result. There are many reasons why someone may choose not to be vaccinated and/or continue to wear a face mask even when vaccinated. We encourage all staff to refrain from assumptive comments and please be respectful of your colleagues and their individual right to choose whether to be vaccinated or not.
  10. Will the LISD require employees and/or students to be vaccinated against COVID-19?

    Response: At this time, there are no plans to require employees or students to be vaccinated against COVID-19 as a condition of employment or enrollment.
  11. Are there any exceptions to the face mask requirement for unvaccinated individuals?

    Response: Yes, as has always been the case, anyone who provides written evidence (i.e. doctor’s note) that they are unable to wear a face mask for a legitimate medical reason is not required to wear a face mask regardless of vaccination status.

Important information for parents or guardians of students eligible for Free and Reduced Lunch at Milton C. porter Education Center

What is the Pandemic-EBT Program?

The Pandemic-EBT (P-EBT) Program gives food benefits to families with children who were not able to get free or reduced-price school meals due to COVID.  You may hear about this benefit from other schools or in the media. 

Who is eligible?

Being eligible for this program will depend on what school your student attends. Eligibility for the Pandemic-EBT (P-EBT) Program can be different between schools within the same district. 

What makes a school eligible for P-EBT?

A school building is eligible only if the building has had 5 school days in a row of reduced in-person hours due to COVID.   

What could make my student eligible for P-EBT?

  1. If the school they attend is eligible for P-EBT and
  2. If your student normally gets free and reduced meals at school and
  3. If your student is not getting instruction in-person for some or all the month. 

The Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS) issues P-EBT benefits based on:

  • How each school building reports their eligibility
  • How most of the students attend school during the month 

There may be months when your student’s attendance was different from what the school reported.  In that case, you may be able to have your student’s benefit level reconsidered. Your request to be reconsidered must be submitted by June 30, 2021. In the month(s) below your school reported primarily in-person.  Your student(s) may be P-EBT eligible if they attended class on-line, for some time or all the time in the following month(s):  September 2020, October 2020, November 2020, January 2021, March 2021, and/or April 2021 

For more information, visit  Michigan's P-EBT website or call 1-833-905-0028.

MDE logo

MDHHS logo


Late Friday, May 14, 2021, the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (“MDHHS”) released a new epidemic order that made significant changes to face mask requirements in Michigan. More specifically, the order stated that beginning at 9:00 AM on Saturday, May 15, 2021, persons fully vaccinated against COVID-19 no longer are required to wear a face mask while inside.

The order defines a fully vaccinated person as persons for whom at least two weeks has passed after receiving the final dose of an FDA-approved or authorized COVID-19 vaccine.

The order requires establishments (including school districts) to make a good faith effort to ensure compliance with the requirements of the order, including the requirement that unvaccinated persons continue to wear a face mask while inside.

Notably, the Michigan Occupational Safety and Health Administration (MiOSHA) has not modified MiOSHA’s emergency rules for employers, which requires employees to continue to wear a face mask when the employee cannot consistently maintain 6 feet of separation from others in the workplace and in shared spaces, including during in-person meetings and in restrooms and hallways.

As a result of these orders and in the interest of continued safety and continuity, the Lenawee Intermediate School District (LISD) will continue to require all staff and students to wear a face mask while indoors and inside any LISD vehicle (including school buses) through at least the remainder of the 2020-2021 school year. Beginning on Monday, May 17, no LISD students are required to wear a face mask while outside, and LISD staff may remove their face masks when outside if the employee can consistently maintain at least 6 feet of separation from all other persons.

In addition to continuing to wear face masks while indoors at school, LISD staff and students must continue to screen for COVID-19 signs and symptoms and must remain home from school or work if experiencing any signs or symptoms of COVID-19.

Although we understand that some may not be pleased with this decision, we do not believe that it is prudent to make significant changes to our health and safety protocols with such a short period of time remaining in the school year. Additionally, the MiOSHA order continues to require most LISD staff to wear a face mask while working inside, and we believe that the majority of LISD students are not likely to be fully vaccinated before the end of the school year. Furthermore, the LISD does not have a systematic process for verifying staff or student vaccine status.

Thank you for your continued support and efforts to keep Lenawee County safe and healthy!

A Message from the Lenawee County Superintendents

On Monday, May 10, 2021, all 12 Lenawee County public school district superintendents met with representatives from the Lenawee County Health Department (“Health Department” ) for the purpose of reviewing the mandatory quarantine of students who were in close-contact with a COVID-19 positive person while in school.

After consultation with the Health Department and in accordance with Public Health Order 2021-1, beginning today, May 11, 2021, Lenawee County public schools will no longer require students who were in close contact with a COVID-19 positive person while at school to quarantine from school or school-associated activities, unless quarantine is required by the Lenawee County Health Department such as in the case of a school outbreak or if the close contact occurred in the home. Although students may not be required to quarantine, schools will continue to conduct contact tracing and will inform those individuals who are believed to have been in close contact with a COVID-19 positive person.

This decision has been made in part after consideration of nearly a full school year of data surrounding school-associated cases of COVID-19. With limited exception, the data collected by Lenawee County school districts suggests that COVID-19 spread is not occurring within the school environment.

This action by the school districts does not preclude students from being subject to mandatory quarantine by the Lenawee County Health Department. Michigan Administrative Rule 325.175 vests authority in the local health officer to exclude from school attendance any individual lacking documentation of immunity or otherwise considered susceptible to communicable disease, if, in the opinion of the local health officer such is necessary to control disease spread. Thus, any student who is subject to a mandatory quarantine by the Lenawee County Health Department will be prohibited from attending school and participating in school-associated activities until such time as the quarantine period is lifted.

In accordance with Public Act 339 of 2020, school employees who have been in a close contact with a COVID-19 positive or probable person will be required to quarantine unless the employee is fully vaccinated against COVID-19 or the employee tested positive for COVID-19 within the past 90 days.

In addition to the changes described above, the Lenawee County Health Department has also indicated that the mandatory quarantine period will be reduced from 14 to 10 days beginning on May 11, 2021.

The challenges presented by the COVID-19 pandemic have been like no other in recent history. Despite these challenges, our students, staff, and community have largely acted with compassion and respect in complying with public health requirements and recommendations to prevent the spread of COVID-19.

Lenawee County’s public school districts will continue to work closely with representatives from the Lenawee County Health Department to prevent the spread of COVID-19 within our communities. Thank you for continuing to do your part to help keep our students, staff, and communities safe and healthy! 

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. Does this impact the isolation requirement for COVID-19 positive or probable students or other individuals?

    No, any student or other person who has tested positive or is probable for COVID-19 must stay home from school until such time as at least 10 full days from the onset of symptoms (symptom onset is day zero) and at least 24 hours has passed with no fever without the use of fever reducing medications and the symptoms must have improved.
  2. Does this impact students who were in close contact with a COVID-19 positive or probable person outside of school?

    Generally, no. Students who were in close contact with a COVID-19 positive or probable person outside of school, such as in the student’s home, are required to quarantine in accordance with Public Health Order 2021-1 or if ordered to do so by the Lenawee County Health Department.
  3. Are there circumstances under which students who are close contacts in school may be required to quarantine?

    Yes, the Lenawee County Health Department has indicated that in cases of school outbreaks students who are a close contact with a COVID-19 positive or probable case will be subject to mandatory quarantine.

    The definition of school “outbreak” as provided by the Lenawee County Health Department is two or more laboratory-confirmed COVID-19 cases among students or staff within a school with onsets within a 14-day period, who are epidemiologically linked, do not share a household, and were not identified as close contacts of each other in another setting during standard case investigation or contact tracing as determined by the Lenawee County Health Department.
  4. Will the schools still conduct contact tracing?

    ndividual deemed to have been in close contact with a COVID-19 positive or probable person. Student close contacts may voluntarily elect to quarantine, but will not be required to unless directed by the Lenawee County Health Department in accordance with their authority under Michigan Administrative Rule 325.175(4) or unless the student develops signs or symptoms of COVID-19.

    If requested by the Lenawee County Health Department, contact tracing information performed by the schools will be provided in accordance with the requirements of Michigan Administrative Rule 325.174(2).
  5. Will close contact students who voluntarily elect to quarantine be provided with educational programming?

    Yes, students will be provided with the opportunity to participate in school virtually as has been the case all year when students were subject to quarantine or isolation orders.
  6. Does this change impact any other COVID-19 safety measures?

    No. Staff, students, and visitors are still required to wear face masks while present on school property in accordance with the requirements of the May 6, 2021, Michigan Department of Health and Human Service order. Other COVID-19 mitigation measures, including enhanced cleaning, student cohorting, physical distancing, and athlete testing will continue to be required in accordance with applicable orders and the guidance of the Lenawee County Health Department, Michigan Department of Health and Human Services, and United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. 
  7. Does this change impact school staff?

    No, in accordance with Public Act 339 of 2020, school employees who have been in a close contact with a COVID-19 positive or probable person will be required to quarantine unless the employee is fully vaccinated against COVID-19 or the employee tested positive for COVID-19 within the past 90 days.
  8. If a student is currently subject to quarantine, must the student fulfill the full quarantine period?

    If the student was quarantined because he or she was a close contact at school, no, provided that the student does not have any signs or symptoms of COVID-19. Students who were a close contact at school and who do not have any signs or symptoms of COVID-19 may return to school tomorrow, Wednesday, May 12, 2021. Athletes who were a close contact at school and who do not have any signs or symptoms of COVID-19 may participate in athletic practices and competitions beginning today, Tuesday, May 11, 2021.
  9. If a student is experiencing signs or symptoms of COVID-19, can the student come to school?

    No, the student must stay home from school for at least 10 days from the onset of signs or symptoms and at least 24 hours has passed with no fever without the use of fever reducing medications and the symptoms must have improved, unless the student has tested negative for COVID-19, in which the case the student must remain home until such time as the symptoms improve.

On August 20, 2020, Governor Whitmer signed House Bill 5913 into law as Public Act 149. Section 98a states that in order to receive state aid for 2020-2021, districts must provide for instruction under an extended COVID-19 Learning Plan (“Plan”) that has been approved by an intermediate district or authorizing body. The Plan does not replace the District’s/PSA’s COVID-19 Preparedness and Response Plan, it is an additional plan that includes new assurances and sections on educational goals, instructional delivery, grading, and equitable access. This Plan was adopted by the LISD Board of Education at the September 14, 2020 regular meeting.

LISD Extended COVID-19 Learning Plan

LISD Extended COVID-19 Learning Plan Training Report - January 2021

LISD Extended COVID-19 Learning Plan Goal Reporting - February 1, 2021

Original Post 08-26-2020
Updated 05-14-2021

At the direction of the Lenawee County Health Department, the LISD is requiring that all parents/guardians of a LISD student sign a COVID-19 daily screening agreement, which indicates that the parent/guardian (or, if developmentally appropriate, student) will conduct a daily at-home screening. A copy of the daily screener agreement is linked below. Please complete the agreement and return it to your child’s LISD school/educational program at your earliest convenience. Additionally, we’ve linked a Quick Reference Guide to help determine when a student should stay home from school and when the student will be able to return to school.

Students who answer yes to any one of the screening questions must be kept home from school, and the parent/guardian should call the school to let them know why their child will be absent.  If they are symptomatic or if they have had contact with a COVID-19 individual, the parent/guardian should also call their healthcare provider right away to determine if testing is needed. If they do not have a healthcare provider, they may contact the Lenawee County Health Department at (517) 264-5226, Option 5 to speak with a Public Health Nurse.

Finally, the LISD is working to implement a screening application that will be available for student use via the internet and/or a downloadable app. This will require parents/guardians to complete the daily screening process through the use of that tool. Additional information will be shared as soon as that application is available for use.

Student Daily Screening Agreement - 2020-2021 School Year

Student Quick Reference Guide - When to Stay Home from School

In accordance with several of Michigan Governor Whitmer's Executive Orders, along with guidance provided by the Lenawee County Health Department, individuals are required to complete a COVID-19 screening questionnaire prior to accessing a LISD building each time Prior to accessing a LISD building each time (in the case of employees or contracted service providers, prior to beginning the work day.

LISD COVID-19 Screening Questionnaire

Employee Quick Reference Guide - When to Stay Home from Work

Screening Questionnaire (Print Version)

Updated 05-12-2021

LISD COVID-19 Preparedness and Response Plan

LISD COVID-19 Plan Summary

The LISD COVID-19 Preparedness and Response Plan includes instructional models, safety precautions, and other protocols for a return to learning in all six phases of the MI Safe Start Plan. This plan was created to meet the requirements of Executive Order 2020-142. This plan was developed utilizing the MI Safe Schools Roadmap, with additional guidance from the Lenawee County health Department and input from LISD staff, students, and families.

Updated 04-26-2021

LISD COVID-19 Preparedness and Response Plan (Workplace)

This COVID-19 Preparedness and Response Plan (hereinafter, “Plan”) was developed in accordance with the requirements of the Michigan Occupational Safety and Health Administration Emergency Rules related to COVID-19 dated October 14, 2020, which requires employers to develop and implement a written COVID-19 preparedness and response plan, consistent with the current guidance for COVID-19 from the US Centers for Disease Control (“CDC”) and recommendations in “Guidance on Preparing Workplaces for COVID-19, developed by the Occupational Health and Safety Administration (“OSHA”).


Today, the LISD TECH Center was informed of two additional confirmed and/or probable cases of COVID-19 in the district. Due to a large number of confirmed cases and/or probable cases of COVID-19 at the LISD TECH Center and in Lenawee County high schools, as well as the number of quarantined staff and students, the LISD TECH Center will be shifting to virtual instruction for the remainder of this week, through Friday, January 22. Custom classes, Work-Based Learning, Adult Learning, LISD PREP Academy, the JC/LISD Academy, and all other LISD programs will continue to operate normally.

The building will be open on Tuesday from 9:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. for students to pick up any necessary supplies they may need for distance learning. Please coordinate a time with your instructor to pick up any necessary supplies. Also, please be sure to check your LISD email and Google classroom for live session times and assignments that need to be completed.

Thank you for your patience and understanding as we strive to keep our students and staff safe during this time.

Last week, MDHHS released a new emergency order that updated guidance for high school programs through Friday, January 15th, 2021. As a result, LISD PREP Academy and LISD TECH Center programs will resume in-person instruction beginning Monday, January 4th and continue through at least Friday, January 15th per the order. JC/LISD Academy will resume in-person as planned on Wednesday, January 13th, based on the local college schedule.

Center-based special education programs will continue to operate in-person after the holiday break at the Milton C. Porter Education Center, Trenton Hills Learning Center, HOPE Center, Project SEARCH, ATSS, and the Maurice Spear Campus education program. LISD PreK-12 special education classrooms in local districts will continue to operate unless otherwise notified. Special education therapy services for children ages birth through 5, including Early On and other special education screenings and assessments for this age group, will continue to be provided remotely through Friday, January 29th.

The LISD will continue to monitor local data and any further guidance from the state, and communicate any additional instructional changes as necessary.

In accordance with the new Michigan Department of Health and Human Services order, the LISD TECH Center is allowed to bring a limited number of CTE students into the building to work on skills leading to industry credentials. Skills leading to credentials are those that cannot be taught and/or evaluated at home. To accomplish this, we will be opening the TECH Center for optional lab time to work on these skills. This optional lab time will be from December 14 through December 22, during a student’s normal session time. Students from the following programs will be permitted in the building to participate in this optional lab time: 

  • Automotive Services Technology
  • Automotive Collision Repair and Refinish
  • Certfied Nurse Aide (CNA)
  • Emergency Medical Technician (EMT)
  • Nursing Preparation
  • Residential Construction
  • Welding

Students in other regular LISD TECH Center programs will continue to learn remotely through this period.

Safety protocols will be in place for lab time, including the mask wearing, social distancing, hand washing, and increased sanitation procedures. To remain in compliance with the order, and to maintain a manageable number of occupants in the building, it is important that students follow their regularly scheduled arrival and departure times as scheduled prior to the pandemic. Any students experiencing symptoms of COVID-19 or have been identified as close contacts with a COVID-19 positive individual should not be attending open lab time.

If you have any questions, please contact Jenny Heath, LISD TECH Center Principal, at 517-265-1654 or

As you are aware, the November 15th MDHHS Emergency Order shifted high school programs to remote learning through Tuesday, December 8th. This includes the LISD TECH Center, LISD PREP Academy, and the JC/LISD Academy. In the coming days, we anticipate another statewide update or order. In the meantime, out of an abundance of caution and to help you better prepare for the week ahead, the LISD is planning to extend the remote learning period for these programs through Friday, December 11th, and will further adjust as necessary based on any statewide updates in the next few days. As a reminder, this includes all AM & PM LISD TECH Center classes, Adult Learning, LISD PREP Academy, and the JC/LISD Academy. The LISD TECH Center campus will remain closed to the public and nonessential staff during this period. Work-Based Learning students (including co-op, work experience, and custom class) may continue to report to their work site.

The LISD is also extending the suspension of in-person special education therapy services for children ages birth through 5, including Early On and other special education screenings and assessments for this age group. These services will continue to be provided remotely through Friday, January 29th, 2021.

Center-based special education programs will continue to operate in-person at the Milton C. Porter Education Center, Trenton Hills Learning Center, HOPE Center, Project SEARCH, ATSS, and the Maurice Spear Campus education program. LISD PreK-12 special education classrooms in local districts will continue to operate unless otherwise notified. The LISD will continue to monitor local data and any further guidance from the state, and communicate any additional instructional changes as necessary.

In the midst of both cold and flu season and the holiday season, this is a critical time for our community. Our county remains at Risk Level E, the highest risk rating possible. It is important to continue following public health guidance, including washing your hands, wearing a facial covering, social distancing, avoiding large gatherings, and screening your child daily. If your child is experiencing any symptoms or has had contact with a COVID-19 positive individual, please keep them home, notify the school district, and contact your healthcare provider or the Lenawee County Health Department to determine if testing is needed.

MDHHS Emergency Order, effective November 18, 2020

LISD Community,

As you may already know from Governor Whitmer's press conference on Sunday, November 15th, 2020, the Michigan Department of Health & Human Services issued a new emergency order effective November 18th, 2020. This order included new guidance for schools, including a pause on all in-person learning for high school classes.

Based on this order, the following instructional changes will be implemented beginning Wednesday, November 18th:

  • The LISD TECH Center remote learning period for all regular LISD TECH Center AM & PM classes will be extended through Tuesday, December 8th, 2020.
  • Work-Based Learning (co-op, work experience, and custom class), Adult Learning, LISD PREP Academy, and the JC/LISD Academy will also shift to remote learning through December 8th. The LISD TECH Center campus will be closed to the public and nonessential staff during this period.

Due to the rising number of cases in the county and the district, and out of an abundance of caution for the health and safety of our students and staff, the LISD will also be suspending in-person special education therapy services for children ages birth through 5, including Early On and other screenings and assessments. These services will be provided remotely through December 8th.

Center-based special education programs will continue to operate in-person at the Milton C. Porter Education Center, Trenton Hills Learning Center, HOPE Center, Project SEARCH, ATSS, and the Maurice Spear Campus education program. LISD PreK-12 special education classrooms in local districts will continue to operate following each district’s specific learning plan. The LISD will continue to monitor local data and any further guidance from the state, and communicate any additional instructional changes as necessary.

As we enter cold and flu season and the upcoming holiday season, this is a critical time for our community. It is important to continue following public health guidance, including washing your hands, wearing a facial covering, social distancing, avoiding large gatherings, and screening your child daily. If your child is experiencing any symptoms or has had contact with a COVID-19 positive individual, please keep them home, notify the school district, and contact your healthcare provider or the Lenawee County Health Department to determine if testing is needed.

November 16, 2020 LISD COVID-19 Cases

In the last 24 hours, the LISD was informed of five confirmed and/or probable cases of COVID-19 in the district. All students and staff identified for quarantine through contact tracing will be contacted individually.

  • A staff member in an instructional setting at Trenton Hills Learning Center has tested positive, and another staff member is considered probable. As a result, 17 students and 2 additional staff members have been identified for quarantine through close contact.
  • A student at the Milton C. Porter Education Center campus has tested positive. As a result, 8 additional students and 4 staff members have been identified for quarantine through close contact. 
  • A LISD TECH Center staff member in an instructional setting has tested positive. As a result, 13 students and 1 staff member have been identified for quarantine through close contact. Additionally, the current quarantine period for 9 other students has been extended.
  • A student in the LISD TECH Center morning session has tested positive. As a result, 6 additional students have been identified for quarantine through close contact .

Including these new cases, during the 2020-2021 school year, the LISD has been informed by the Health Department of 24 confirmed and/or probable school-associated cases of COVID-19.

Today, November 11th, 2020, the LISD was informed of two positive cases of COVID-19 in the district. A LISD TECH Center staff member in an instructional setting has tested positive, and a LISD TECH Center student in the morning session has tested positive. Contact tracing is underway, and an estimated 50 individuals will be identified for quarantine through close contact.

Due to the large number of impacted students and staff members, all regular LISD TECH Center AM and PM classes, including programs at the Center for a Sustainable Future, will be shifting to distance learning beginning Thursday, November 12th through Friday, November 20th. Custom classes, Work-Based Learning, Adult Learning, LISD PREP Academy, the JC/LISD Academy, and all other LISD programs will continue to operate normally.

This is a critical time for our entire community. It is important to continue following public health guidance by washing your hands, wearing a facial covering, social distancing, and screening your child daily. If your child is experiencing any symptoms or has had contact with a COVID-19 positive individual, please keep them home, notify the school district, and contact your healthcare provider or the Lenawee County Health Department to determine if testing is needed.

LISD Statement on K-5th Grade Facial Coverings

Late Friday, October 2, 2020, the Michigan Supreme Court ruled that the Governor did not have the authority under state law to issue emergency declarations related to the COVID-19 pandemic after April 30, 2020. This action by the Court invalidated most (if not all) of the Governor’s executive orders related to the COVID-19 pandemic that were issued after April 30, 2020, many of which have guided the return to school this fall.

As a result of the Supreme Court’s action, yesterday, Monday, October 5th, the Lenawee Intermediate School District (LISD) was prepared to discontinue the requirement that LISD elementary-aged students wear a face covering while in the classroom. This was due to the fact that the District did not include this requirement in its COVID-19 Preparedness and Response Plan.

Late Monday, October 5th, the Director of the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services issued an emergency order requiring all K-12 students who are five years of age or older wear a face covering at all times while indoors. This order was made under statutory authority granted to the Director in Michigan’s Public Health Code (see MCL 333.2253). The order took immediate effect and will remain in effect through October 30, 2020. 

As a result of this action, the LISD will require elementary-aged students to wear face coverings while in the classroom at least through October 30th.

LISD Statement Regarding the Michigan Supreme Court's Ruling on the Governor's Emergency Powers

Late Friday, October 2, 2020, the Michigan Supreme Court ruled that the Governor did not have the authority under state law to issue emergency declarations related to the COVID-19 pandemic after April 30, 2020. This action by the Court has raised a number questions regarding the validity of the Governor’s executive orders, many of which have guided the return to school this fall.

The Lenawee Intermediate School District (LISD) Board of Education has adopted and re-confirmed at their October 5, 2020, regular meeting a COVID-19 Preparedness and Response Plan and Extended COVID-19 Learning Plan, which have and will – at least for the immediate future – continue to guide the District’s operations as it relates to the global pandemic caused by COVID-19. These measures are intended to provide for the health and safety of all LISD students and staff and to help prevent the spread of COVID-19 within our community.

The District is actively engaged with its legal counsel and will continue to review and react to guidance issued by statewide education associations and other authorities, including any authoritative directives related to COVID-19. Additionally, the District remains in close contact with the Lenawee County Health Department.  

To the extent that changes are made to the District’s instructional strategies and/or safety measures related to COVID-19, such will be communicated with you. Until that time, the LISD’s COVID-19 Preparedness and Response Plan and Extended COVID-19 Learning Plan remain in effect.

Students and parents must continue to conduct a self-screening for COVID-19 signs or symptoms daily, and students must stay home from school if they are experiencing any signs or symptoms of COVID-19 or they have been in close contact with a COVID-19 positive person. Signs and symptoms of COVID-19 that require the student to remain home from school include:

  • One or more of the following: a new or worsening cough (excluding chronic cough due to a known medical reason or allergies), shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, fever of 100.4 degrees or higher, new loss of taste or smell.
  • Two or more of the following: chills or shivering, fatigue, abdominal pain, muscle aches, headache, sore throat, congestion or runny nose, nausea, vomiting or diarrhea.

We appreciate your patience and ask that you continue to follow the guidance of the United States Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and Lenawee County Health Department as we work to prevent the spread of COVID-19 within our community.

Face Coverings (effective October 5, 2020)

On Friday, September 25, 2020, Governor Whitmer issued Executive Order 2020-185, which amended Executive Order 2020-142 to now require that, beginning on Monday October 5, 2020, all students in grades kindergarten and up wear a face covering when in classrooms, except during meals and unless face coverings cannot be medically tolerated. Executive Order 2020-142 only required that students in grades six and up wear a face covering when in the classroom.  

As a result of this change, LISD students in grades kindergarten through fifth grade will be required to wear a face mask covering their mouth and nose at all times while in the classroom beginning on Monday, October 5, 2020. Students are encouraged to provide their own cloth face masks, however, if a student does not have a mask, a face mask will be provided for him/her by the school.

Students who are medically unable to tolerate a face mask, must provide the LISD with a mask exemption form that is completed by the student’s healthcare provider. A mask exemption form may be obtained from your child’s school.

When to Stay Home from School or Work if You Have Been Tested for COVID-19

The Lenawee County Health Department (“Health Department”) has requested that individuals who have undergone COVID-19 testing not attend school or work until a negative test result is received, in which case you may return to school or work if your signs or symptoms of illness have improved.

***This does not apply if you are undergoing routine/regular testing for your job or for another reason, provided that you do not have any signs or symptoms of COVID-19 and that you have not been in close contact with a COVID-19 positive person.

***Even if you have tested negative for COVID-19, if you have been in close contact with a COVID-19 positive person, you must quarantine at home for 14 days from the last time that you were in close contact with the COVID-19 positive person.

Information About Probably or Confirmed COVID-19 Positive Individual on LISD Property

In accordance with the requirements of EO 2020-185, the LISD will publish information about any known cases of a probable or confirmed COVID-19 positive individual being present on LISD property or at a LISD function during the period of infection to the LISD website and as otherwise directed by the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services.

Updated 09-29-2020

Face-to-Face Instruction vs. Distance Learning

If I don’t feel comfortable sending my child to school, are there remote learning options available?

If Lenawee County remains in phases 4 or 5 of the Michigan Safe Start Plan, the District intends to be open for in-person instruction to students with safety precautions in place. We believe that in-person instruction provides the best opportunity for students to maximize their educational experience. This is particularly true for many of our career and technical education programs at the LISD TECH Center, which often require hands-on learning. Additionally, many of the therapies and other services that our staff provide to students are delivered and received best when done in-person. However, we also recognize that some families may not feel comfortable having their children in school under the circumstances. If that is the case, please contact your child’s school as soon as possible to discuss what alternative options may be available for your child. Although the LISD cannot guarantee that the quality of the educational program and/or services will be equal to that which is provided to those students who are attending school in-person, each LISD educational program and service will be prepared to concurrently deliver remote options for students who are unable to attend school in-person.

My child is unable to attend school due to a mandatory quarantine, will he/she fall behind?

Each LISD educational program and service will be prepared to concurrently deliver remote instruction to students who are unable to attend school in-person, even while other students are. Students who are unable to physically attend school due to a mandatory quarantine and/or isolation will be provided with opportunities to continue their participation in the educational program remotely. This may include participating in live lessons through video conferencing and/or watching recorded lessons at another time. Students may also be asked to meet with an instructor or other LISD staff member via video conference or telephone and may be required to complete work through an online platform such as Google Classroom. No student will be disciplined or otherwise punished due to his/her inability to attend school in-person as the result of a mandatory quarantine and/or isolation related to COVID-19. However, students should attempt to remain engaged during that time to the maximum extent possible under the circumstances, and students who fail to remain engaged, without valid reasoning for such (i.e. illness), may find that their grades suffer.

How will special education programs and services be provided remotely?

The LISD will provide special education programs and services to students in accordance with the student’s Individualized Education Program (IEP) to the maximum extent feasible under the circumstances. This will include the creation of a continuation of services plan for each student with an IEP. In some instances, remote instruction and/or the continuation of services may require revisions to the student’s IEP.

Student evaluations and therapies may occur through the use of video conferencing services where the student and therapist are able to connect in real-time through the use of technology. In some cases, parents/guardians may be asked to assist the therapist in the provision of services to the child.

To the extent feasible, the LISD will loan assistive devices to students who require such for their use in their educational program/service.

If school is remote, will it look like it did in the spring of 2020?

Generally speaking, no. We expect that the educational programs and services available to students during periods of remote instruction will be more robust than what was provided for most students in the spring of 2020. Furthermore, student expectations will be greater than those in the spring of 2020, and students will continue to be assessed and graded for their work and engagement in the educational program.

We do not have reliable internet service and/or an internet ready device, how will my child participate in remote learning?

Please contact your child’s school or teacher as soon as possible. The LISD has purchased internet-ready devices and internet service hotspots which will be available to be temporarily loaned to students for completion of school-related activities. In the event that an internet-ready device and/or internet service hotspot is unable to be provided, the LISD will develop alternate means to provide continued instruction, work, and student engagement opportunities that do not require the use of technology and/or the internet. 

How will student evaluations occur?

Student evaluations that are able will occur in accordance with evaluation timelines through the use of video conferencing and/or through the use of technology. If an evaluation cannot be performed through the use of video conferencing and/or other technology, the evaluation will occur as soon as possible after students are able to return for in-person instruction. 

Face Coverings

My child cannot wear a face mask because of a medical condition, what do I do?

You must provide the LISD with written documentation from your child’s physician or another qualified healthcare provider indicating that your child is unable to wear a face mask and describing what medical condition prevents the child from wearing a face mask and under what circumstances. Unless the LISD has written documentation from a qualified healthcare provider, students will be expected to wear a face mask in accordance with the LISD’s then-current COVID-19 Preparedness and Response Plan.

If my child refuses to wear a face mask, what will happen? Will my child be disciplined?

It is the intention of the LISD to start from a place of education and to encourage student compliance. Additionally, if a student does not have or has forgotten his/her face mask, the LISD will provide a disposable face mask for his/her use. If a student continues to defy the request of school officials and the requirements of the District’s COVID-19 Preparedness and Response Plan, the student will be disciplined in accordance with the LISD’s COVID-19 Student Handbook Supplement and the Student Code of Conduct. Students who continue to refuse to wear a face mask without a valid medical exception may be suspended and/or expelled from school.

Do we have to provide our own face masks?

It is our hope and request that students will provide their own cloth, reusable face mask and/or disposable face masks, however, students who are unable to provide such will be provided with a face mask by the LISD. Please place your child’s name on the inside of their cloth/reusable face mask(s).

Will there be opportunities for my child to remove his/her face mask, even temporarily?

The LISD will work to identify safe ways in which students are able to temporarily remove their face masks during the school day, although we cannot guarantee that these opportunities will be present every day. During periods of nice weather, students may be taken outside where they may be able to remove their face mask if they are able to continuously physical/social distance.

Physical/Social Distancing

Will students be expected to social/physical distance at all times?

Yes. We will be asking all persons, including students, to remain at least six feet from other persons to the maximum extent possible under the circumstances at all times. This will frequently be reinforced through signage, physical markings, and other educational strategies.

Are there circumstances where students will not be able to physical/social distance?

The LISD is unique in that many of our classrooms/laboratories provide sufficient room for student desks/tables to be spaced at least six feet apart. Additionally, most LISD programs tend to have smaller class sizes than those that are found within most local school districts. This also allows for more physical/social distancing. Despite this, there will be circumstances where students may not be able to physical/social distance. These situations will be minimized to the maximum extent feasible. Students who continually disregard physical/social distancing requirements will be disciplined in accordance with the LISD’s COVID-19 Student Handbook Supplement and the Student Code of Conduct.

Personal Hygiene

My child is allergic to, or otherwise sensitive to, hand sanitizers, can he/she wash his/her hands instead?

Any person who is unable to use hand sanitizer should engage in more frequent hand washing. Students must wash their hands upon entering the school and should engage in frequent handwashing with soap and water throughout the school day. Students who will be riding the school bus must have their hands washed with soap and water immediately prior to getting on the school bus each day. 


Will my child be expected to clean desks, tables, and/or school equipment?

In some cases, students enrolled in programs at the LISD TECH Center, JC/LISD Academy, and/or LISD PREP Academy may be asked to wipe down equipment and/or student desks/tables in between use. Students who are asked to clean desk, tables, and/or school equipment will be provided with disposable gloves and EPA-approved cleaning and/or disinfecting spray or wipes. In these cases, student assistance will be requested to help create a safer environment for the student.

Younger children will not be asked to clean and/or disinfect any spaces. This will be performed by LISD staff members in accordance with the requirements of the LISD’s COVID-19 Preparedness and Response Plan.

COVID-19 Screening Protocols

Do I have to keep my child home from school if he/she has any sign or symptom of illness?

Out of an abundance of caution, the LISD and Lenawee County Health Department are requesting that students remain home from school if they have symptoms of illness. This is especially true if the child is experiencing one or more symptoms of COVID-19, which currently include: cough, shortness of breath, fatigue, fever of 100.4 degrees or higher, chills, muscle aches, body aches, headache, sore throat, congestion or runny nose, new loss of smell/taste, nausea, vomiting, and/or diarrhea.

If the child has any signs or symptoms of COVID-19, the parent/guardian should contact the child’s healthcare provider as soon as possible to determine if the child should be tested for COVID-19.

How long does my child have to stay home from school if he or she has a sign or symptom of illness?

A child who had symptoms of illness must remain home from school until one of the following conditions is met:

  • The child has gone at least 24 hours without a fever without the use of fever-reducing medication; the child’s symptoms have improved; and it has been at least 10 days since symptoms first appeared; OR
  • The child has been seen by a healthcare provider and the healthcare provider has provided an alternative diagnosis to COVID-19 for the child’s symptoms and the healthcare provider has provided written authorization for the child to return to school. The written authorization from the child’s healthcare provider must be provided to the school.  

Will my child fall behind while he/she misses school?

Each LISD educational program and service will be prepared to concurrently deliver remote instruction to students who are unable to attend school in-person, even while other students are. Students who are unable to physically attend school due to a mandatory quarantine and/or isolation will be provided with opportunities to continue their participation in the educational program remotely. This may include participating in live lessons through video conferencing and/or watching recorded lessons at another time. Students may also be asked to meet with an instructor or other LISD staff member via video conference or telephone and may be required to complete work through an online platform such as Google Classroom. No student will be disciplined or otherwise punished due to his/her inability to attend school in-person as the result of a mandatory quarantine and/or isolation related to COVID-19. However, students should attempt to remain engaged during that time to the maximum extent possible under the circumstances, and students who fail to remain engaged, without valid reasoning for such (i.e. illness), may find that their grades suffer.

Will my child be penalized if he/she is forced to miss an excessive amount of school because we are being extra cautious?

Generally speaking, no, but the child must remain actively engaged in the educational program remotely to the maximum extent possible under the circumstances. If a child is ill, the child will not be expected to remain engaged during the period of illness, however, if the child has minor symptoms, he/she should participate in the educational program remotely to the maximum extent possible.

My child may have been in close contact with someone who is COVID-19 positive, what should I do?

Pursuant to guidance from the Lenawee County Health Department, the child must quarantine for 14 days since the child was in close contact with the COVID-19 positive person. If this occurs, please contact the school at your earliest possible convenience. Please be prepared to share information about when and where your child was in close contact with a COVID-19 positive person and when that individual tested positive. Please also be prepared to share any symptoms of COVID-19 that your child is experiencing with the school, if any. This will allow the school to notify the appropriate people without identifying the COVID-19 positive individual and/or your child.

What happens when someone tests positive for COVID-19?

If my child tests positive for COVID-19, how long will he/she have to miss school?

Pursuant to guidance from the Lenawee County Health Department, the COVID-19 positive student and all of his/her household members (including any siblings) will be immediately prohibited from coming to school.

The confirmed COVID-19 positive student must isolate at home and will be prohibited from returning to school until all of the following are met:

  • At least 24 hours have passed since the child had a fever of 100.4 degrees or higher without fever-reducing medication;
  • The child’s symptoms have improved;
  • It has been at least 10 days since the child’s symptoms first appeared; and
  • The child has been cleared to return to school by the Lenawee County Health Department.

Household members of the COVID-19 positive person must remain quarantined and are prohibited from returning to school for 14 days after their last date of close contact (defined as being within six feet of the COVID-19 person for a period of 15 minutes or more) with the COVID-19 positive person.

If another child or staff member in my child’s classroom tests positive for COVID-19, will my child need to be quarantined?

This depends. The LISD will work with the Lenawee County Health Department to perform contact tracing on any COVID-19 student or staff member. The LISD will seek to determine which persons were within six feet of the COVID-19 positive student or staff member for a period of 15 minutes or more during the period beginning two days prior to the appearance of the COVID-19 positive individual’s symptoms or COVID-19 positive test if the individual is asymptomatic. Any person who was determined to have been within six feet of the COVID-19 positive individual for a period of 15 minutes or more during the period beginning two days prior to the appearance of the COVID-19 positive individual symptoms or COVID-19 positive test if the individual is asymptomatic will be required to quarantine and are prohibited from returning to school for 14 days after their last date of close contact (defined as being within six feet of the COVID-19 person for a period of 15 minutes or more) with the COVID-19 positive person.

Does the school have to inform the families of students when a child is excluded from school because of COVID-19, or does the Health Department do that?

The LISD has a communication plan for how to respond with any LISD student and/or staff member tests positive for COVID-19. Written communication will be made with all individuals who are regularly present within the school and/or LISD building informing them that someone from within the school and/or building has tested positive for COVID-19 (in some cases, this information may be shared district wide). Individuals who may have been in close contact with the COVID-19 positive individual will receive more direct communication typically in the form of a phone call and letter with additional guidance.

12. How many people have to be sick with COVID-19 before a school closes?

The LISD administration will work closely with the Lenawee County Health Department to make this determination. There are a number of factors that may come into play in making this decision, but the primary concern will be the health and safety of all students and staff.

Will the LISD identify individuals who have tested positive for COVID-19.

No. To the maximum extent allowable under the circumstances, the LISD will attempt to keep the identity of any person who tests positive for COVID-19 confidential and only those individuals who have a legitimate need to know will be informed of such.

On Monday, August 3, 2020, the Lenawee Intermediate School District (LISD) Board of Education adopted a plan for returning to school for the 2020-2021 school year. This plan includes face-to-face instruction as allowed when the school year begins on August 31, along with significant precautions intended to prevent the spread of COVID-19 and to keep students and staff safe to the extent possible under the circumstances.

This summer, Governor Gretchen Whitmer unveiled the MI Safe Start Plan, a guide outlining a phasing structure as the state progresses through the COVID-19 pandemic. Additionally, on June 30, the MI Safe Schools: 2020-21 Return to School Roadmap was provided to educators as they develop their own return to school plans based on each of the six phases from the MI Safe Start Plan. This structure, along with guidance from the Lenawee County Health Department and input from LISD staff, students, and family members, helped develop the LISD’s COVID-19 Preparedness and Response Plan.

“Our top priority remains the health and wellbeing of our students, families, and staff, and we believe this plan allows us to do that while providing a quality education,” said Mark Haag, LISD Superintendent. “We recognize that live instruction provides the best opportunity for social-emotional and academic growth and look forward to continue supporting our learners in the upcoming school year.”

“We appreciate the efforts of our students, family, and LISD staff to continue to adapt to the educational changes we have seen over the last several months,” said Richard Germond, LISD Board President. “We remain vigilant in our efforts to protect our students and staff and ask for your continued understanding and help as we work collectively to stop the spread of COVID-19 in our community.”

Currently, Lenawee County remains in Phase 4 of the MI Safe Start Plan. In this phase, the LISD’s plan includes the following components:

  • Face-to-face instruction for all LISD programs, with an ability to support mandated services remotely as needed;
  • Facial mask requirements for all persons over the age of two years who are medically able while on the school bus, in any other LISD vehicle, and while present in the common areas of the building, and additional mask requirements for students in grades 6-12 while in a classroom/laboratory;
  • Physical/social distancing to the maximum extent feasible under the circumstances at all times. LISD classrooms and laboratories will be set up in a way that student desks/tables are at least six feet apart to the maximum extent feasible;
  • Regular opportunities for and education on handwashing/sanitizing will be built into student schedules;
  • LISD facilities/maintenance staff will clean and disinfect high-touch surfaces every four hours during school/building use, and LISD classrooms/laboratories/vehicles will be cleaned after each period;
  • Daily screening protocols for all LISD staff, contracted service providers, and visitors, as well as at-home screening protocols for students and families to follow; and
  • Guidance for staff and students who test positive for or develop any symptoms related to COVID-19.

LISD families will play a key role in this process by following recommended guidelines at home and supporting these precautions at school, including screening, facial masks, and personal hygiene. It is also important to remember that, although the LISD is currently planning to host in-person instruction this fall, there is still the possibility of needing to close a classroom, school building or the district due to an outbreak of illness. Additionally, there is the possibility increasing number of positive COVID-19 cases may require Governor Whitmer to return our region or the state back to Phase 3 of the MI Safe Start Plan - meaning that school buildings will not be open to students and instruction must occur remotely. As always, the LISD will provide updates through a variety of communication channels.

Please continue to follow all COVID-19 health and safety recommendations from the Lenawee County Health Department and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC):

  • Cleaning your hands often, either with soap and water for 20 seconds or a hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol;
  • Avoiding close contact with people who are sick;
  • Putting distance between yourself and other people (at least 6 feet);
  • Covering your mouth and nose with a face mask when around others;
  • Covering your cough or sneeze with a tissue, then throw the tissue in the trash. Clean your hands after throwing away the tissue; and
  • Cleaning and disinfecting frequently-touched objects and surfaces daily.

It is the LISD’s goal to ensure equitable access to education for all students while continuing to maintain a safe and healthy environment for everyone in our school community. The full LISD COVID-19 Preparedness and Response Plan and additional information is available on the LISD website.